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passing parameter to Angular application state

I have made yoman angular fullstack app setup.

I am making use of ui.router in application.

I have defined state parameters as

.state('tour', {
    url: '/tour',
    templateUrl: 'app/tour/tour.html',
    controller: 'tourCtrl',
    params : {tourName: null, },

I am able to pass parameter to this state within application.

when my application goes to external link.

I want to get back to one of the state of my angular application with some parameter. so how can i do that??

Please Help me to do that .. Thanks


  • you can pass parameters and maintain states using stateParams, and then maintaining them in the URL. For your understanding, I have added a plunk:

    Observe the console whenever you navigate to Route1 tab, and then observe the code:

        .state('route1', {
            url: "/route1/:place",
            params: {
              place: null
            views: {
                "viewA": {
                    template: "route1.viewA"
                "viewB": {
                    template: "route1.viewB"
            resolve :{
              place: function($stateParams){
                console.log("url", window.location);
                return $;

    Try this on localhost. It would work the same way on localhost, or any place where its hosted.