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How to apply cellfun (or arrayfun or structfun) with constant extra input arguments?

I want to apply a function to each element of a cell array -- so I have cellfun for that. However, the function takes two extra arguments (a string and a vector), which I want to keep constant for all the elements of the cell array; i.e. I'd like to do something like:

cellfun(@myfun, cellarray, const1, const2)


for i = 1:numel(cellarray),
  myfun(cellarray{i}, const1, const2);

Is there some way to do that without creating intermediate cell arrays containing numel(cellarray) copies of const1 and const2?


  • You can do this using an anonymous function that calls myfun with the two additional arguments:

    cellfun(@(x) myfun(x,const1,const2), cellarray)