1.) I am using below code to transfer items from one RadListBox
to another.
HTML code:
A<telerik:RadListBox ID="RadListBox1" runat="server" Width="250px" Height="200px"
TransferMode="Move" AllowTransfer="True" TransferToID="rlbGI_BU" SelectionMode="Multiple"
B<telerik:RadListBox ID="RadListBox2" runat="server" Width="250px" Height="200px"
EnableEmbeddedSkins="False" Skin="MetroRed" ImagesPath="../App_Themes/MetroRed/ListBox"
OnInserted="RadListBox2_Inserted" SelectionMode="Multiple"
OnDeleted="RadListBox2_Deleted" AutoPostBackOnDelete="true">
<br />
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblDeletedList2"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblInsertedList2"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblTransdList1"></asp:Label>
C# code:
private string _SPID = null;
private DataTable _dtSPBU = null;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_SPID = Request.QueryString["SPID"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_SPID))
protected void bind_RadListBox1()
RadListBox1.DataTextField = "BUName";
RadListBox1.DataValueField = "SPBUfoBUID";
RadListBox1.DataSource = _dtSPBU;
protected void RadListBox2_Inserted(object sender, RadListBoxEventArgs e)
ArrayList myTest = new ArrayList();
//StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < e.Items.Count; i++)
foreach (string x in myTest)
lblInsertedList2.Text += x + ", " + " ";
protected void RadListBox2_Deleted(object sender, RadListBoxEventArgs e)
lblDeletedList2.Text += e.Items.Count.ToString() + " items are deleted";
protected void RadListBox1_Transferred(object sender, RadListBoxTransferredEventArgs e)
lblTransdList1.Text += e.Items.Count.ToString() + " items are transferred";
I want to get the transferred Items from RadListBox1
to RadListBox2
inside a Label
control (say lblInsertedList2
Label) because later I have to bind a RadGrid
based on the Items that are inside RadListBox2.
For this, I created RadListBox2_Inserted
event, inside which I am trying to get the items of RadListBox2
in Label.
Now, When I transfer more than 1 items of RadListBox1 to RadListBox2 (using ctrl button), then the 1st selected item is repeated.
Eample: RadListBox1 has "a","b","c" items. when I transfer all "a","b","c" together from RadListBox1 to RadListBox2 (using ctrl button)
I see the below output: a a b a b c
Correct output should be: a b c
Please check below snapshot for above issue: Again, RadListBox1 has "a","b","c" items when I transfer items 1 by 1 from RadListBox1 to RadListBox2
Eample: when I only transfer a, I see below output: a (1st time) when I only transfer b, I see below output: a, a (2nd time) when I only transfer c, I see below output: a, a, a (3rd time)
Please check below snapshot for above issue:
2.) I want to bind a RadGrid
right now I am binding RadGrid
using only Request.QueryString["SPID"]
, so I get all the data related to "SPID"
SPID RadListBox1_Items Value
014 a test1
014 b test2
014 c test3
My requirement is: If suppose in RadListBox2
got only 2 items "a" , "c"
then the data in RadGrid
shall bind based on RadListBox2 items and "SPID"
SPID RadListBox2_Items Value
014 a test1
014 c test3
I hope I made my requirement clear. Please let me know if any confusion. Please do reply for both the points.
Thanks in advance.
I think that below code will fulfill your Requirement
protected void RadListBox2_Inserted(object sender, RadListBoxEventArgs e)
ArrayList myTest = new ArrayList();
//StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < e.Items.Count; i++)
foreach (string x in myTest)
lblInsertedList2.Text += x + ", " + " ";
OR simply
protected void RadListBox2_Inserted(object sender, RadListBoxEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < e.Items.Count; i++)
lblInsertedList2.Text += e.Items[i].Text + ", " + " ";
Hopes it helps...