My model class:
class item
attr_accessor :item_name
attr_accessor :item_url
attr_accessor :item_label
when I want to assign the value for this attributes.Insted of assigning one by one i.eitem.item_name="abc"
I want to put all the attributes in loop with hardcoded name and assign form some other source.
['item_url','item_url','item_label'].each do |attr|
item.attr=values from some other source #error on this line
item."#{attr}"=values from some other source #error on this line
Both of them not working. Any Suggestions are welcome
You can do like this:
item.send((attr + "="), values from some other source)
hash = {}
['item_url','item_url','item_label'].each do |attr|
hash[attr] = value
item.attributes = hash