It seems that it possible to make reduction only for odd number of elements. For example, it needs to sum up numbers. When I have even number of elements, it will be like this:
1 2 3 4
But what to do when I have, for instance 1 2 3 4 5
? The last iteration is the sum of three elements 6+4+5 or what? I saw the same question here, but couldn't find the answer.
A parallel reduction will add pairs of elements first:
1 1+3 4+6
2 2+4
Your example with an odd number of elements would typically be realized as:
1 1+4 5+3 8+7
2 2+5 7+0
3 3+0
4 0+0
That is to say, typically a parallel reduction will work with a power-of-2 set of threads, and at most one threadblock (the last one) will have less than a full complement of data to work with. The usual method to handle this is to zero-pad the data out to the threadblock size. If you study the cuda parallel reduction sample code, you'll find examples of this.