I'm trying to make text which is either invisible until moused over, or, has a "show" / "hide" button, or some other thing, so that it is not visible until the user interacts with it in some way.
I'm trying to do this on a github wiki page. (Specifically it's for a short self-quiz.)
Basically I want to get a similar effect to what SO achieves with the >!
Hoho! Spoiler text!
as described in these meta posts.
The same markup doesn't work in github, I guess that it's an SO extension?
I saw this issue about using spoiler text in comments on github, which was closed, but I thought there might be a different answer for the wiki pages, or a different solution based on HTML or something?
Does anyone know if there's a way to do this, or if it is definitely unfortunately impossible?
Literal spoiler text as shown in the question is not supported in GitHub Flavored Markdown or the original Markdown implementation.
However Markdown supports inline HTML, and GitHub allows a subset of HTML tags to remain in the rendered output. As described in other answers, <details>
works on GitHub.
If that's "spoilery" enough for you, feel free to use it.