I am using the geocoder gem to reverse geocode a location given the latitude and longitude of an object. This works great, however, I would like to change the result so that only the desired part of the complete address is shown.
In some specific cases, I only want to remove the last bit of the output, and so I am simply using something like:
<%= @object.address.to_s.chomp(', USA') %>
for any given instance.
However, I would like to know if there is a more dynamic option to return only the zip code, only the country, etc.
The @object
you are working with is likely an instance of Geocoder::Result::Google
If you look at the docs for Geocoder::Result::Google
you'll notice that there are several methods for accessing components of an address like zip code, country, etc.
Here are some examples
address = @object.address
puts address.postal_code #=> 10010
puts address.city #=> Manhattan
puts address.state_code #=> NY
puts address.country_code #=> USA
If the component you are looking for isn't available in a method you can use address_components_of_type
puts @object.address_components_of_type(:street_number) #=> 1600
You can find the full list of components here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro#Types