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Camel content based routing with header in spring DSL issue

I am trying camel for some routing with Spring DSL. I am not able to get the message to the destinations. I know i am missing something please help me to figure out the issue. I have set the headers in deviceMessageRouteIdentifier as below

    Message outMsg = exchange.getOut();
    outMsg.setHeader("view_id", "2");  

my camel route is here

    <camel:from uri="direct:devicemessageprocessor"/>
    <camel:bean ref="deviceMessageRouteIdentifier"/>
    <camel:to uri="seda:deviceRouting"/>
            uri="seda:deviceRouting?concurrentConsumers=10&amp;blockWhenFull=true&amp;purgeWhenStopping=true" />
                <header>$device_template_id = '11'</header>
                <to uri="direct:gen2Bridge" />
                <header>$view_id = '1'</header>
                <to uri="direct:prediction" />

        <camel:from uri="direct:gen2Bridge"/>
        <camel:bean ref="gen2BridgeProcessor" />

I am able to reach in deviceMessageRouteIdentifier but not able to reach destination gen2BridgeProcessor

Thanks in advance


  • You should use the simple language as the predicate, and not header. header is just for lookup of a header value.

     <header>$device_template_id = '11'</header>

    should be

     <simple>${header.device_template_id} == '11'</simple>

    And the equals operator is ==. See the simple language for more details