I am trying camel for some routing with Spring DSL. I am not able to get the message to the destinations. I know i am missing something please help me to figure out the issue. I have set the headers in deviceMessageRouteIdentifier as below
Message outMsg = exchange.getOut();
outMsg.setHeader("view_id", "2");
my camel route is here
<camel:from uri="direct:devicemessageprocessor"/>
<camel:bean ref="deviceMessageRouteIdentifier"/>
<camel:to uri="seda:deviceRouting"/>
uri="seda:deviceRouting?concurrentConsumers=10&blockWhenFull=true&purgeWhenStopping=true" />
<header>$device_template_id = '11'</header>
<to uri="direct:gen2Bridge" />
<header>$view_id = '1'</header>
<to uri="direct:prediction" />
<camel:from uri="direct:gen2Bridge"/>
<camel:bean ref="gen2BridgeProcessor" />
I am able to reach in deviceMessageRouteIdentifier but not able to reach destination gen2BridgeProcessor
Thanks in advance
You should use the simple language as the predicate, and not header. header is just for lookup of a header value.
<header>$device_template_id = '11'</header>
should be
<simple>${header.device_template_id} == '11'</simple>
And the equals operator is ==
. See the simple language for more details