I'm trying to define the type of the build by using those 3 variables, but for some reason, it always uses the first one. Any ideas?
// Pay attention: only ONE of these modes MUST be chosen.
#define PRODUCTION 1
#define STORE 0
This is how I use it:
NSLog(@"Development version built.");
#elif STORE
NSLog(@"Store version built.");
NSLog(@"Distribution version built.");
It's always entering the first ifdef..
I got what you want to do. You have to do it a liiiitle bit different. You have to do it like this:
NSLog(@"Development version built.");
#elif STORE
NSLog(@"Store version built.");
NSLog(@"Distribution version built.");
Bacause as @EDUsta has stated, #ifdef
checks if this macro is defined at all. If yes - then it will be evaluated to true
. In your case you have to check for value, so you have to use #if