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What is an unsafe function in Haskell?

I believe that an unsafe function is a function that says that it will return a value of some type, but that it can actually throw an exception and end the execution therefore not returning any value at all, but I'm not sure.

Or could it be that an unsafe function is a function that can return a value of other type than the declared in the signature? Wouldn't that be a weakly typed function?

Or are weakly typed and unsafe synonyms in Haskell?

This may be a silly question, but I couldn't find a straightforward answer.

I checked the documentation of readLn hoping to see a reference to unsafe functions, but there wasn't any.

This article, Unsafe functions, says something about breaking the type system, but it doesn't specify in which manner; through exceptions?, through returning values of the wrong type?

So, what is an unsafe function in Haskell?


  • There are several notions of "unsafe" in Haskell.

    1. Calculating the value leads to I/O. The prime suspect here is unsafePerformIO. It's a bit controversial whether lazy I/O and unsafeInterleaveIO should be considered unsafe by this definition.

    2. Something breaks the type system. The prime suspect is unsafeCoerce, but unsafePerformIO can do it too.

    3. Something breaks memory safety without breaking the type system (thanks to Carl for reminding me). The prime suspects are unsafe array or vector indexing operations and incorrect use of the foreign function interface.

    4. The result of the calculation depends on the order of evaluation. The prime suspect is unsafePerformIO but unsafeInterleaveST can certainly do it too.

    5. Evaluation can lead to an exception or infinite loop. This is a relatively mild sort of unsafety ... except when it's not.

    6. Something breaks the conventions ("laws") Haskell programmers rely on to reason about their code. Whether this should be considered "unsafe" is subject to debate. Examples: applying seq to a function, using coerce in such a manner as to change the arity of a function relative to its reference implementation and cause a problem if someone applies seq to what was previously a partial application and now can possibly be bottom (there are good performance reasons to do this in some cases), writing class instances that break functor, applicative, monad, traversable, etc., laws. Expecting arguments to satisfy pre-conditions but not checking that they do (e.g., functions that quickly turn ascending lists into sets or maps).

    Safe Haskell

    To help programmers control some of these forms of unsafety, the Safe Haskell system classifies modules as safe or unsafe depending on the imports and language extensions they use. I haven't studied the details, but GarethR indicates that

    I think your notion 1 through 3 would be considered unsafe by Safe Haskell. It may be worth reading up on it because the Safe Haskell authors have clearly thought deeply on safety.

    and Ørjan Johansen indicates that

    Safe Haskell also disallows some things that fit in point 6, such as extensions that can circumvent module export boundaries (Template Haskell, generalized newtype deriving) or change the behavior of imported code (rules, overlapping instances).

    A programmer can mark a module Safe to indicate that they want GHC to check that it is safe, Unsafe to indicate that it is not safe, or Trustworthy to indicate that the author claims to believe that its API is safe to use despite the fact that its implementation uses unsafe features.