So, my app exchanges messages from/to my MainActivity to/from a background Service and I used EventBus to handle that. I'm registering both components with
on their onCreates. And I'm sending/receiving an event with:
EventBus.getDefault().post(new MyMessagePojo("message"));
public void onEvent(MyMessagePojo event) { ... }
Everything works well when I run the project from my AndroidStudio right to my test phone. However, when I generated the signed APK I installed the app and got a crash with the following exception:
Subscriber class my.package.MainActivity has no public methods called onEvent
Where it clearly has. I tried changing it from onEvent
to onEventMainThread
in my MainActivity but with no success. It's pretty frustrating since I was about to publish the app and now I can't fix this problem.
I've been through this and this but they were of no help.
Any ideas?
This is is addressed in the EventBus HOWTO docs.
Use the below code to keep only the onEvent functions.
-keepclassmembers class ** {
public void onEvent*(**);