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How can I do compiled binding or x:Bind to indexed property using string as an index?

I'm trying to use compiled binding I have a property Errors that I used to bind using the regular binding like {Binding Errors[PropertyName]}. However, when I tried to use {x:Bind VM.Errors[PropertyName]}, I got this error

"Invalid binding path 'VM.Errors[PropertyName]' : Expected a digit"

I also tried to use quotes like VM.Errors['PropertyName'] but it does'nt solve the problem.


  • It does not work. Microsoft writes:

    {Binding Groups[2].Title}

    Binds to the specified item in the collection. Only integer-based indexes are supported.

    See: at the end of the page. I event tried implementing IReadOnlyDictionary oe IDictionary, but no success.

    Its interessting because on they say:

    For example, consider a business object where there is a list of "Teams" (ordered list), each of which has a dictionary of "Players" where each player is keyed by last name. An example property path to a specific player on the second team is: "Teams1.Players[Smith]". (You use 1 to indicate the second item in "Teams" because the list is zero-indexed.)


    My support case at Microsoft connnect was closed. They write:

    Thank you for reporting this issue as well as providing a sample project. The suggested scenario was not supported in Windows 10 RTM. We are however considering adding such support to a future update to Windows 10.