I have a code that checks the st_mode of a file:
self.assertEqual(16877, os.stat(my_directory).st_mode)
Only old school unix experts are able to decipher the integer value 16877
Is there more readable way to check for exactly this value?
If I may extend the question a bit and understand it as “Is there more readable way to check file modes?”, then I'll suggest adding a custom assertion. The target:
self.assertFileMode(my_directory, user="rwx", group="rx", others="rx")
How to do it.
Let's put that assertion in a mixin:
import os
import stat
class FileAssertions(object):
'user': {'r': stat.S_IRUSR, 'w': stat.S_IWUSR, 'x': stat.S_IXUSR, 's': stat.S_ISUID},
'group': {'r': stat.S_IRGRP, 'w': stat.S_IWGRP, 'x': stat.S_IXGRP, 's': stat.S_ISGID},
'others': {'r': stat.S_IROTH, 'w': stat.S_IWOTH, 'x': stat.S_IXOTH},
def assertFileMode(self, path, **kwargs):
mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
for key, perm_defs in self.FILE_PERMS.items():
expected = kwargs.pop(key, None)
if expected is not None:
actual_perms = mode & sum(perm_defs.values())
expected_perms = sum(perm_defs[flag] for flag in expected)
if actual_perms != expected_perms:
msg = '{key} permissions: {expected} != {actual} for {path}'.format(
key=key, path=path,
actual=''.join(sorted(flag for flag, value in perm_defs.items()
if value & mode != 0))
raise self.failureException(msg)
if kwargs:
raise TypeError('assertFileMode: unknown arguments %s' % ', '.join(kwargs))
Using it
Now, how about we test some file modes?
# We use our mixin
class MyTestCase(FileAssertions, TestCase):
def test_some_paths(self):
# Test all permissions
self.assertFileMode('/foo/bar', user='rwx', group='rx', others='')
# Only test user permissions
self.assertFileMode('/foo/bar', user='rwx')
# We support the suid/sgid bits as well
self.assertFileMode('/foo/bar', user='rwxs', group='rxs', others='rx')
Example output:
AssertionError: user permissions: rw != rwx for /foo/bar