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Writing Mocha tests with IcedCoffeeScript?

I'm trying to run some database queries in a Mocha test but I'm running into some problems.

Here's the test (using Mongoose):

it.only "should create some objects", (done) ->
  await models.MyModel1.count defer(err, oldModel1Count)
  await models.MyModel2.count defer(err, oldModel2Count)

  # ... do some stuff

  await models.MyModel1.count defer(err, newModel1Count)
  await models.MyModel2.count defer(err, newModel2Count)

  assert.equal oldModel1Count + 1, newModel1Count
  assert.equal oldModel2Count + 1, newModel2Count

The command for running the tests:

mocha --compilers coffee:iced-coffee-script --require iced-coffee-script --require mocha --colors --recursive test"

The error happens on the first line:

ReferenceError: err is not defined

I can only assume that it is attempting to use normal CoffeeScript to execute this code, so it thinks that defer is a function and attempts to evaluate err.

Is it possible to write the Mocha tests in IcedCoffeeScript?


  • This works for me

    mocha --require ./fix_my_iced_tests.js --compilers coffee:coffee-script

    create fix_my_iced_tests.js


    create test/ (this make sure that fix actually works)

    assert = require 'assert'
    describe 'test section', ()->
      it 'is ok', (done)->
        await setTimeout (defer next), 100
        assert.strictEqual(1, 1)

    You should recieve something like this

      Type subdsl
        √ is ok (102ms)
      1 passing (109ms)

    without fix you should recieve something like this

    ReferenceError: next is not defined

    --- EDITED ---

    Much better option found here

    mocha --compilers coffee:iced-coffee-script/register