I have written a script in Sony Vegas Pro that outputs an edit list of video files (E:\editlist.txt) of the following form, where the 2nd item is the start timecode and the 3rd item is the length:
E:\folder\file1a.mp4 16.8835333 17.5175
E:\folder\file2a.mp4 6.0393666 12.1454666
E:\folder\file3a.mp4 0 3.5368667
E:\folder\file3a.mp4 5.1344667 9.3033
E:\folder\file3a.mp4 12.1224623 19.483756
I have also cobbled together a Windows batch script that uses ffmpeg to trim those files and re-wrap them in a .mov container.
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%F in (E:\editlist.txt) do ffmpeg.exe -ss "%%G" -i "%%F" -c copy -t "%%H" "%%~dF%%~pF%%~nF.mov"
However because some files originate from the same source file (in this case, file3a.mp4), the trimmed files have duplicate names.
I would like to create a script that detects duplicates and adds an incremental single-digit suffix to the output file names, before the file extension. In this case the 5 output files should be file1a.mov, file2a.mov, file3a.mov, file3a1.mov and file3a2.mov.
I have had a go but I have no experience of writing Windows batch files, so the following effort fails and is probably very wrong, but hopefully it shows what I am trying to achieve (it was loosely based on an answer to this question):
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%F in (E:\editlist.txt)
set counter=0
if exist "%%~dF%%~pF%%~nF.mov" (
set counter=%counter%+1
do ffmpeg.exe -ss "%%G" -i "%%F" -c copy -t "%%H" "%%~dF%%~pF%%~nF%counter%.mov"
) else do ffmpeg.exe -ss "%%G" -i "%%F" -c copy -t "%%H" "%%~dF%%~pF%%~nF.mov"
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me get this working. Thanks!
Assuming the list file is sorted and the file names don't contain !
, use set /a for calculations and enable the delayed expansion for variables:
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set prevfile=
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%F in (E:\editlist.txt) do (
if "%%F"=="!prevfile!" (
if "!counter!"=="" (set counter=1) else (set /a counter+=1)
) else (
set counter=
set "prevfile=%%F"
ffmpeg -ss "%%G" -i "%%F" -c copy -t "%%H" "%%~dpnF!counter!.mov"