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Structuremap interception for registry scanned types

I have a ASP MVC 4 app that uses Structuremap. I'm trying to add logging to my application via Structuremap interception. In a Registry, I scan a specific assembly in order to register all of it's types with the default convention:

public class ServicesRegistry : Registry
    public ServicesRegistry()
        Scan(x =>

The interceptor:

public class LogInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        watch.Stop();//log the time

I can add the interceptor for one specific plugin type like this:

var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
container.Configure(x => x.For<IServiceA>().Use<ServiceA>().DecorateWith(instance => proxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(instance, new LogInterceptor())));

but I want to make structuremap create logging proxies for all the types that were scanned in the registry. Is there a way to achieve this?


  • It doesn't look like there's an easy extension point for this, but I got it working with a fairly decent solution using a custom convention. In order to help you understand the decisions I made I'll walk you through a few steps (skipping the many, many missteps I made on my way).

    First lets look at the DefaultConvention which you are already using.


     public class DefaultConventionScanner : ConfigurableRegistrationConvention
        public override void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
            if (!TypeExtensions.IsConcrete(type))
            Type pluginType = this.FindPluginType(type);
            if (pluginType == null || !TypeExtensions.HasConstructors(type))
            registry.AddType(pluginType, type);
            this.ConfigureFamily(registry.For(pluginType, (ILifecycle)null));
        public virtual Type FindPluginType(Type concreteType)
            string interfaceName = "I" + concreteType.Name;
            return Enumerable.FirstOrDefault<Type>((IEnumerable<Type>)concreteType.GetInterfaces(), (Func<Type, bool>)(t => t.Name == interfaceName));

    Pretty simple, we get the type and interface pairs and check to make sure they have a constructor, if they do we register them. It would be nice to just modify this so that it calls DecorateWith, but you can only call that on For<>().Use<>(), not For().Use().

    Next lets look at what DecorateWith does:

    public T DecorateWith(Expression<Func<TPluginType, TPluginType>> handler)
      this.AddInterceptor((IInterceptor) new FuncInterceptor<TPluginType>(handler, (string) null));
      return this.thisInstance;

    So this creates a FuncInterceptor and registers it. I spent a fair bit of time trying to create one of these dynamically with reflection before deciding it would just be easier to make a new class:

    public class ProxyFuncInterceptor<T> : FuncInterceptor<T> where T : class
        public ProxyFuncInterceptor() : base(x => MakeProxy(x), "")
        protected ProxyFuncInterceptor(Expression<Func<T, T>> expression, string description = null)
            : base(expression, description)
        protected ProxyFuncInterceptor(Expression<Func<IContext, T, T>> expression, string description = null)
            : base(expression, description)
        private static T MakeProxy(T instance)
            var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
            return proxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(instance, new LogInterceptor());

    This class just makes it easier to work with when we have the type as a variable.

    Finally I've made my own Convention based on the Default convention.

    public class DefaultConventionWithProxyScanner : ConfigurableRegistrationConvention
        public override void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
            if (!type.IsConcrete())
            var pluginType = this.FindPluginType(type);
            if (pluginType == null || !type.HasConstructors())
            registry.AddType(pluginType, type);
            var policy = CreatePolicy(pluginType);
        public virtual Type FindPluginType(Type concreteType)
            var interfaceName = "I" + concreteType.Name;
            return concreteType.GetInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == interfaceName);
        public IInterceptorPolicy CreatePolicy(Type pluginType)
            var genericPolicyType = typeof(InterceptorPolicy<>);
            var policyType = genericPolicyType.MakeGenericType(pluginType);
            return (IInterceptorPolicy)Activator.CreateInstance(policyType, new object[]{CreateInterceptor(pluginType), null});     
        public IInterceptor CreateInterceptor(Type pluginType)
            var genericInterceptorType = typeof(ProxyFuncInterceptor<>);
            var specificInterceptor = genericInterceptorType.MakeGenericType(pluginType);
            return (IInterceptor)Activator.CreateInstance(specificInterceptor);

    Its almost exactly the same with one addition, I create an interceptor and interceptorType for each type we register. I then register that policy.

    Finally, a few unit tests to prove it works:

    public class Try4
        public void Can_create_interceptor()
            var type = typeof (IServiceA);
            Assert.NotNull(new DefaultConventionWithProxyScanner().CreateInterceptor(type));
        public void Can_create_policy()
            var type = typeof (IServiceA);
            Assert.NotNull(new DefaultConventionWithProxyScanner().CreatePolicy(type));
        public void Can_register_normally()
            var container = new Container();
            container.Configure(x => x.Scan(y =>
            var serviceA = container.GetInstance<IServiceA>();
        public void Can_register_proxy_for_all()
            var container = new Container();
            container.Configure(x => x.Scan(y =>
            var serviceA = container.GetInstance<IServiceA>();
        public void Make_sure_I_wait()
            var container = new Container();
            container.Configure(x => x.Scan(y =>
            var serviceA = container.GetInstance<IServiceA>();
     public interface IServiceA
        void Wait();
    public class ServiceA : IServiceA
        public void Wait()
    public interface IServiceB
    public class ServiceB : IServiceB

    There's definitely room for some clean up here (caching, make it DRY, more tests, make it easier to configure) but it works for what you need and is a pretty reasonable way of doing it.

    Please ask if you have any other questions about it.