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String comparision never evaluate true in Alfred

I am writing a script for an Alfred workflow. However, the string comparison never evaluates true.

The "{query}" inside the script does get replaced with a correct ctext value type which I can obverse using display dialog "{query}" and display dialog class of "{query}".

if "{query}" is equal to "a" then
    say "in the a case"
    say "in the else case"
end if

I have also tried use if "{query}" = "a" then but still have the same outcome.

The evaluation keeps falling to the else statement.

I am referring the article below when writing the conditional statements.

enter image description here


  • It's not normal, debug it with this script, maybe the string contains an invisible character.

    set t to "{query}"
    display dialog "The ID of 'a' is " & id of "a" --> the  id of a is  97
    repeat with i in t -- check the id of every character in "{query}"
        display dialog "The ID of '" & i & "' is " & id of i
    end repeat
    if t is equal to "a" then
        say "in the a case"
        say "in the else case"
    end if