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Sending raw WNS notifications using message attributes

I am attempting to send a raw notification to WNS by setting message attributes, but it appears that a toast notification is being sent instead.

Here is the C# code I'm using to build the publish request.

var request = new PublishRequest()
    TopicArn = TOPIC_ARN,
    Message = "Test Message",
    MessageAttributes = new Dictionary<string, MessageAttributeValue>()
        { "AWS.SNS.MOBILE.WNS.Type", new MessageAttributeValue() { StringValue = "wns/raw", DataType = "String" } }

From what I can tell, I am setting the X-WNS-Type correctly using SNS Message Attributes, but the notification is still received as a toast on the client. Are there any examples of somebody doing this successfully?


  • I was able to get it working by using MessageStructure. Setting the value to json and updating Message to have a message specifically for WNS did the trick. My assumption is that the WNS value for MessageAttributes only applies if a message is defined specifically for WNS.

    var request = new PublishRequest()
        TopicArn = TOPIC_ARN,
        Message = "{ \"default\": \"default message\", \"WNS\" : \"raw message\"}",
        MessageAttributes = new Dictionary<string, MessageAttributeValue>()
            { "AWS.SNS.MOBILE.WNS.Type", new MessageAttributeValue() { StringValue = "wns/raw", DataType = "String" } }
        MessageStructure = "json",