I'm trying to see the total amount of downloads of my app in Windows Dev Center but can only choose last 30 days or 3 months for instant report. I can't click the "Historical" selection in the following image.
The most intuitive way would be to go to https://dev.windows.com/analytics/reports/acquisitions?productId=myProductIdGoesHere which shows acquisitions. I can change filters but they only filter on OS version and market.
The "download reports" is found in the Analytics menu and has the following URL. https://dev.windows.com/analytics/reports/export?productId=9id9id
So, this is here right now. Post any other links if you find any better and I'll make sure they get in the "Marked answer"post. https://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/110705-universal-windows-platform/suggestions/9697347-windows-phone-store-should-show-total-number-of-ap