I create a group of buttons on the toolbar, with this code
ToolButton [] botones = new ToolButton[3];
for (int y = 0; y < botones.Length; y++)
botones [y] = new ToolButton (Stock.Add);
botones [y].Label = "menu" + y;
toolbar1.Insert(botones [y],toolbar1.NItems);
ShowAll ();
How I can add the signals to each button, so when I cliked, I get the label of each button in the toolbar?
Add a handler to the Clicked event for each of the tool buttons.
botones [y].Clicked += (o, args) => {
ToolButton b = o as ToolButton;
if (b != null)
Console.WriteLine ("{0} was press", b.Label);
I also tried the ButtonPressEvent and ButtonReleaseEvent but neither of those were thrown when the tool button was clicked.