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Signing a message digest using BouncyCastle

At the moment in C# I'm signing a challenge like this:

RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa;
RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter RSAFormatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(rsa);
byte[] SignedHash = RSAFormatter.CreateSignature(paramDataToSign);

Then I give the SignedHash to Windows, it accepts it and everything is OK. But I need to move this part to Android and there's the problem, that I just can't get the same signed hash value.

In Android I tried to make the signed hash but they differ from the one generated in C#.

Signature signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA", "BC");

In C# - using the following piece of code - I get the same result as in Android, but it is not an option cause then Windows does not accept the signed hash.

ISigner signer = SignerUtilities.GetSigner("SHA1withRSA");
signer.Init(true, privateKey);
signer.BlockUpdate(paramDataToSign, 0, paramDataToSign.Length);

Here's written that C# PKCS1SignatureFormatter and Java Signature should give the same result, but they do not.

What could be the problem?

Here are the base 64 (WebSafe) values that I get:

Challenge = zHyz12Tk4m151nssYIBWqBCAxhQ

RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter SignedHash = kmu39keplCAV4Qnu22wdprLz4nGSsrVtHbxQ5YMUG7p-0YwReCG4ROIlFvYs4CGfjCiAGFPw4PLrLx7mrlAA6iuhJMkgm_PMTW9alQYTH612hLEUP4EmK0M2kw8CveLcjI3HA08z8bByllIzRyAlM8bcR438vw2uhx_CbgvOOHn8vwBPnvWbFqpi2doYoq2xEuFBRe7eBPrxbMRqEd3ExdQ9c9rYT4ivOJ4pbioyi6D5i5_1crvGwM6nQanMZCmooRYJO65NP3B4wWnvQZpJLRD0U08wWcvyGBFWp188ZovDjnkTQZku6lzmwGXfqQwtBz9uNvLcTbp7cVyt5EyQxw

Signature and ISigner SignedHash = Vt-b5QfGPnSPpZuIB8-H4N1K5hQXpImS4e8k56_HruDSqy3DLsz96QKUrccshjr1z9nTK3Mwvd5yPdyTJOqSUcDQqxV46LPhWQNsubqKxAz97ePpeslIH1gHdnzkh46ixsWqgDrhR7egQtDkU8PPsph1qahCxaVkRYspQBV0jPZ-LK4EjoGGnuWTCihVKjruXJZ2VY8yZ9QRAsHVptr0Nv-mldO2MFK-oEVbtVbHqUPf5So8im3oRSm68OqY4g56bCdFNSbhcFBjrZ1QPjnxiIk43-_5tevafqoOB2D_E_mQHCJwmRg3MrNij6IdAdloCejnhCWzgMHdcG1Ug_Qmig


So the simplest solution is using Bouncy Castle API:

AsymmetricBlockCipher rsaEngine = new PKCS1Encoding(new RSABlindedEngine());
rsaEngine.init(true, privateKey);

DigestInfo dInfo = new DigestInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(X509ObjectIdentifiers.id_SHA1, DERNull.INSTANCE), paramDataToSign);
byte[] digestInfo = dInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);

rsaEngine.processBlock(digestInfo, 0, digestInfo.length);


  • The problem is that RSAFormatter.CreateSignature(paramDataToSign); passes the hash value, while signer.update(paramDataToSign); passes the data before it is hashed. So it is likely that you have to remove a MessageDigest calculation for your Java code for this to work.

    Alternatively, if you only have the hash value, you may have a look into the Bouncy Castle lightweight API to find a method that accepts a value that is pre-hashed. This can probably be performed using new RSADigestSigner(new StaticDigest(paramDataToSign, "SHA-1")).generateSignature().

    Problem is that StaticDigest does not exist, so you'll have to comment here if you really require it. Alternative, mirror the implementation of RSADigestSigner but substitute a pre-calculated hash.