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How to override the "Cancel" button event of a ProgressDialog?

The ProgressDialog class allows passing the option wx.PD_CAN_ABORT which adds a "Cancel" button to the dialog. I need to rebind the event bound to this button, to make it Destroy() the dialog instead of just "making the next call to Update() [to] return False" as the class's documentation describes.

class PortScanProgressDialog(object):

    """Dialog showing progress of the port scan."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.dialog = wx.ProgressDialog(
            "COM Port Scan",
            style=wx.PD_CAN_ABORT | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE)

    def get_available_ports(self):
        """Get list of connectable COM ports.

        :return: List of ports that e.g. exist, are not already open,
            that we have permission to open, etc.
        :rtype: list of str
        com_list = []
        keep_going = True
        progress_count = 0
        for port_num in range(MIN_COM_PORT, MAX_COM_PORT + 1):
            if not keep_going:
            port_str = "COM{}".format(port_num)
                # Check if the port is connectable by attempting to open
                # it.
                t_port = Win32Serial(
                    port_str, COMPATIBLE_BAUDRATE,
                    stopbits=SerialThread.STOPBITS, timeout=4)
                progress_count += 1
                # This returns a tuple with 2 values, the first of which
                # indicates if progress should continue or stop--as in
                # the case of all ports having been scanned or the
                # "Cancel" button being pressed.
                keep_going = self.dialog.Update(progress_count, msg)[0]
        return com_list

This class is used elsewhere in this fashion:

# Scan for available ports.
port_scan_dlg = PortScanProgressDialog()
ports = port_scan_dlg.get_available_ports()

When an unhandled exception occurs in get_available_ports() the progress dialog will stay open (which is expected behaviour), but the problem is that when I hit "Cancel" the button is greyed and the window is not closed (clicking "X" also fails to close the window).

I'm trying to re-bind the "Cancel" button to a method that Destroy()s the dialog. How can I do this?

I'm aware of this workaround, but I think it's cleaner to use ProgressDialog and modify it to my needs.


  • The Cancel button is not exposed directly in this widget. You can get to it using the dialog's GetChildren method. Here's one way to do it:

    import wx
    class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
        def __init__(self, parent):
            wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
            b = wx.Button(self, -1, "Create and Show a ProgressDialog", (50,50))
            self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, b)
        def OnButton(self, evt):
            max = 80
            dlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Progress dialog example",
                                   "An informative message",
                                   maximum = max,
                                   style = wx.PD_CAN_ABORT
                                    | wx.PD_APP_MODAL
                                    | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME
                                    #| wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME
                                    | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME
            for child in dlg.GetChildren():
                if isinstance(child, wx.Button):
                    cancel_function = lambda evt, parent=dlg: self.onClose(evt, parent)
                    child.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, cancel_function)
            keepGoing = True
            count = 0
            while keepGoing and count < max:
                count += 1
                wx.MilliSleep(250)  # simulate some time-consuming thing...
                if count >= max / 2:
                    (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count, "Half-time!")
                    (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count)
        def onClose(self, event, dialog):
            print "Closing dialog!"
    class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
        def __init__(self):
            wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title='Progress')
            panel = TestPanel(self)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        app = wx.App(False)
        frame = MyFrame()

    This is based on the wxPython demo example of this particular dialog. Depending on your platform, you will get the native widget if it exists, otherwise you'll get wx.GenericProgressDialog. I suspect the native widget won't allow you to access the Cancel button at all, but I'm not sure.