Having some issues with my ggplot figure, in that I appear to have nice data but the plotting is not taking the values.
Here is the data:
In[127]: ts_top10_stk
type value
R084 entriesn_hourly 1868674
R084 exitsn_hourly 1467338
R022 entriesn_hourly 1773372
R022 exitsn_hourly 1483494
R012 entriesn_hourly 1618262
R012 exitsn_hourly 1084521
R046 entriesn_hourly 1555117
R046 exitsn_hourly 968557
R055 entriesn_hourly 1554806
R055 exitsn_hourly 1174953
R033 entriesn_hourly 1534652
R033 exitsn_hourly 843390
R018 entriesn_hourly 1444569
R018 exitsn_hourly 1200120
R011 entriesn_hourly 1355492
R011 exitsn_hourly 484352
R029 entriesn_hourly 1347727
R029 exitsn_hourly 771924
R179 entriesn_hourly 1270579
R179 exitsn_hourly 415908
Here is what I am doing with it for a plot:
plot_top10 = ggplot(aes(x = 'unit',y='value',fill='type'),data=ts_top10_stk) + geom_bar()
Getting this exception:
Exception: Could not evaluate the 'x' mapping: 'unit' (original error: name 'unit' is not defined)
Clearly I am trying to create a stacked bar chart with the units on the x-axis and the bar split between the entries and the exits. I feel like i am just missing the concept of ggplot - because I cant get much to work at all.
Here is some other information:
In[202]: ts_top10_stk.columns
Out[202]: Index([u'type', u'value'], dtype='object')
In[203]: ts_top10_stk.index
Index([u'R084', u'R084', u'R022', u'R022', u'R012', u'R012', u'R046', u'R046',
u'R055', u'R055', u'R033', u'R033', u'R018', u'R018', u'R011', u'R011',
u'R029', u'R029', u'R179', u'R179'],
dtype='object', name=u'unit')
UPDATE: Created a new column for the unit value:
ts_top10_stk['unit2'] = ts_top10_stk.index
plot_top10 = ggplot(aes(x = 'unit2',y='value',fill='type'),data=ts_top10_stk) + geom_bar()
Here is what I am getting though - still not considering the actual values... Looks like its just taking a count and plotting that (1 for each, 2 total types):
I haven't used ggplot in Python but that message makes me think that it just doesn't know where to find 'unit' because it's not a column - it's the pandas index (this is a pandas object right?) Try making a distinct 'unit' column and do this again?