This is my first time working with asterisk (basically i know nothing, so bear with me)
i am running Asterisk 11.6 in a virtualbox with 512/kbps internet connection, which is behind NAT.
have two extension 1001 and 1002, these are the situations that is happening to me.
Number 1: call within local using softphone works. "no problem".
Number 2: call from outside (softphone) to local works. "no problem".
Number 3: call from local to outside, just hangs up quickly. "PROBLEM".
Number 4:call from outside to outside, never works. I can hear dial tone but no response from the receiver. "PROBLEM".
I tried forwarding port 5060 both tcp and udp nothing changes...
i also read in somewhere that i have NAT loopback error, at this point it doesnt concerns me.
My problem is i want to connect these two extensions from outside networks...
likewise backwards... am i missing anything?
here is my sip configuration.
Global Settings:
UDP Bindaddress:
TCP SIP Bindaddress: Disabled
TLS SIP Bindaddress: Disabled
Videosupport: No
Textsupport: No
Ignore SDP sess. ver.: No
AutoCreate Peer: Off
Match Auth Username: No
Allow unknown access: Yes
Allow subscriptions: Yes
Allow overlap dialing: Yes
Allow promisc. redir: No
Enable call counters: No
SIP domain support: No
Realm. auth: No
Our auth realm asterisk
Use domains as realms: No
Call to non-local dom.: Yes
URI user is phone no: No
Always auth rejects: Yes
Direct RTP setup: No
User Agent: FPBX-AsteriskNOW-12.0.76(11.16.0)
SDP Session Name: Asterisk PBX 11.16.0
SDP Owner Name: root
Reg. context: (not set)
Regexten on Qualify: No
Trust RPID: No
Send RPID: No
Legacy userfield parse: No
Send Diversion: Yes
Caller ID: Unknown
From: Domain:
Record SIP history: Off
Call Events: On
Auth. Failure Events: Off
T.38 support: No
T.38 EC mode: Unknown
T.38 MaxDtgrm: 4294967295
SIP realtime: Disabled
Qualify Freq : 60000 ms
Q.850 Reason header: No
Network QoS Settings:
IP ToS RTP audio: EF
IP ToS RTP video: AF41
IP ToS RTP text: CS0
802.1p CoS SIP: 4
802.1p CoS RTP audio: 5
802.1p CoS RTP video: 6
802.1p CoS RTP text: 5
Jitterbuffer enabled: No
Network Settings:
SIP address remapping: Disabled
Externhost: <none>
Externaddr: (null)
Externrefresh: 10
Global Signalling Settings:
Codecs: (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g726)
Codec Order: ulaw:20,alaw:20,gsm:20,g726:20
Relax DTMF: No
RFC2833 Compensation: No
Symmetric RTP: Yes
Compact SIP headers: No
RTP Keepalive: 0 (Disabled)
RTP Timeout: 30
RTP Hold Timeout: 300
MWI NOTIFY mime type: application/simple-message-summary
DNS SRV lookup: No
Pedantic SIP support: Yes
Reg. min duration 60 secs
Reg. max duration: 3600 secs
Reg. default duration: 120 secs
Sub. min duration 60 secs
Sub. max duration: 3600 secs
Outbound reg. timeout: 20 secs
Outbound reg. attempts: 0
Outbound reg. retry 403:0
Notify ringing state: Yes
Include CID: No
Notify hold state: Yes
SIP Transfer mode: open
Max Call Bitrate: 384 kbps
Auto-Framing: No
Outb. proxy: <not set>
Session Timers: Accept
Session Refresher: uas
Session Expires: 1800 secs
Session Min-SE: 90 secs
Timer T1: 500
Timer T1 minimum: 100
Timer B: 32000
No premature media: Yes
Max forwards: 70
Default Settings:
Allowed transports: UDP
Outbound transport: UDP
Context: from-sip-external
Record on feature: automon
Record off feature: automon
Force rport: Yes
DTMF: rfc2833
Qualify: 0
Keepalive: 0
Use ClientCode: No
Progress inband: Never
Tone zone: <Not set>
MOH Interpret: default
MOH Suggest:
Voice Mail Extension: *97
Name/username Host Dyn Forcerport Comedia ACL Port Status Description
1001/1001 D Yes Yes A 28594 UNREACHABLE
1002/1002 D Yes Yes A 47695 OK (216 ms)
This is is from my last session.
Here user 1001 is "UNREACHABLE" why? i think that is where my problem is.
help me guys...
Also i am looking for methods to connect with PSTN and GSM.
(If you guys are from India and can help me i can actually pay you, please answer with solution for above problem then i will contact for other methods)
SIP will always cause problem when server is Behind Nat.
If your devices Support IAX which is Inter-Asterisk eXchange, works perfect for your situations then utilize it.
Still you are looking to solve SIP problems read this tutorial