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Grayed listing environment with LaTeX

Form this LaTeX-workshop, I found I could make this listing style.

by defining a new environment.

style=StyleListingBasic, backgroundcolor=\color{mittelgrau}, prebreak=\mbox{\textbackslash{}}%
\lstnewenvironment{bevel}[1][1] {\lstset{style=StyleCommand,linewidth=#1\linewidth}} {}%

Running the code, I get this error message.

ERROR: Package Listings Error: Couldn't load requested style.

What might be wrong?


  • I missed the \lstdefinestyle, and after some modification, I could make it work.

    \usepackage{color}              % Farben
    \usepackage{listings}           % für Listings
    % Listingdefinitionen
         basicstyle=\ttfamily,       % Schriftstil
         frame=single,               % einfacher Rahmen
         framesep=1pt,               % Abstand des Rahmens
         framerule=0.8pt,            % Linienstaerke des Rahmens
         rulecolor=\color{mittelgrau},  % Farbe der Rahmenlinie
         breaklines=true,            % automatischen Umbruch aktivieren
         breakindent=0pt             % Einrueckung nach Umbruch
    style=StyleListingBasic, backgroundcolor=\color{mittelgrau}, prebreak=\mbox{\textbackslash{}}%
    \lstnewenvironment{Befehl}[1][1] {\lstset{style=StyleCommand,linewidth=#1\linewidth}} {}%