I've been facing some issue with to valid string with following condition. The respective conditions are as follows:
Here is an example of String I want to valid A12342 (desire output with validation)
Thanks in advance ,Any help will be appreciated.If any one need more information about my query please let me know .
{ if([textfield.text isequalToString:@""]){
return FALSE
//else if (//validation for my specific number)
//want to implement logic here
Try this rejex pattern [A-Z][0-9]{5,6}
check it online with the link Online rejex check
and if it work than use like this
- (BOOL)checkValidation:(UITextField *)textField
NSString *rejex = @"<your pattern>";
NSPredicate *emailTest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", rejex];
//if rejex fullfil than it will return true else false.
return [emailTest evaluateWithObject:textField.text];