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How to comment out a line in HAMLC comment

Wondering how to comment out one line in HAMLC. I Tried

# this is commented out

But it doesn't work. It creates a <div> this is commented out </div> Can't find many resources on HAMLC.

Knowing how to comment out multi-line would also be appreciated.


  • This is from the Haml documentation for comments:


    Haml supports two sorts of comments: those that show up in the HTML output and those that don’t.

    HTML Comments: /

    The forward slash character, when placed at the beginning of a line, wraps all text after it in an HTML comment. For example:

      / This is the peanutbutterjelly element
      I like sandwiches!

    is compiled to:

      <!-- This is the peanutbutterjelly element -->
      I like sandwiches!

    The forward slash can also wrap indented sections of code. For example:

      %p This doesn't render...
        %h1 Because it's commented out!

    is compiled to:

      <p>This doesn't render...</p>
        <h1>Because it's commented out!</h1>

    Conditional Comments: /[]

    You can also use Internet Explorer conditional comments by enclosing the condition in square brackets after the /. For example:

    /[if IE]
      %a{ :href => '' }
        %h1 Get Firefox

    is compiled to:

    <!--[if IE]>
      <a href=''>
        <h1>Get Firefox</h1>

    Haml Comments: -#

    The hyphen followed immediately by the pound sign signifies a silent comment. Any text following this isn’t rendered in the resulting document at all.

    For example:

    %p foo
    -# This is a comment
    %p bar

    is compiled to:


    You can also nest text beneath a silent comment. None of this text will be rendered. For example:

    %p foo
      This won't be displayed
        Nor will this
                       Nor will this.
    %p bar

    is compiled to:


    These are other references: