I am trying to upload files on my server using the PuTTY SFTP command shell. My teammates have been using the Mac and Linux is our server, so they have predefined commands.
I am working on Windows and need to do the following (these are ssh commands on Mac for SFTP) :
# Copy from my laptop to my home directory /home/username
# Change the permissions on your folder:
chmod 777 /home/username # this is giving issues
# Change to the "ABC" user:
sudo su gcnweb # this is not working in windows
cd /path../ # Go to the deployment directories //no issues here
cp /path of the director/ # Copy the files from your home dir to the deployment dir //no issues here
Please check above and if anyone can help me in workaround to the same in Windows using PuTTY SFTP.
These are shell commands. It has nothing to with an SFTP.
You can execute the exactly same commands, if you use a Windows SSH client. Like PuTTY itself (putty.exe