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determinate: is point on line segment

I am trying to code a java methods which returns a Boolean true if a point(x,y) is on a line segment and false if not.

I tried this:

public static boolean OnDistance(MyLocation a, MyLocation b, MyLocation queryPoint) {

    double value = java.lang.Math.signum((a.mLongitude - b.mLongitude) * (queryPoint.mLatitude - a.mLatitude)
            - (b.mLatitude - a.mLatitude) * (queryPoint.mLongitude - a.mLongitude));
    double compare = 1;
    if (value == compare) {
        return true;

    return false;

but it doesn't work.


  • I am not JAVA coder so I stick to math behind ... For starters let assume you are on plane (not sphere surface)

    1. I would use Vector math so let:

      a,b - be the line endpoints
      q - queried point
      c=q-a - queried line direction vector
      d=b-a - line direction vector

    2. use dot product for parameter extraction


      t is line parameter <0,1> if out of range q is not inside line
      |c|=sqrt(c.x*c.x+c.y*c.y) size of vector
      dot(c,d)=c.x*d.x+c.y*d.y scalar vector multiply

    3. now compute corresponding point on line


      e is the closest point to q on the line ab

    4. compute perpendicular distance of q and ab


      if (l>treshold) then q is not on line ab else it is on the line ab. The threshold is the max distance from line you are still accepting as inside line. No need to have l sqrt-ed the threshold constant can be powered by 2 instead for speed.

    5. if you add all this to single equation

      then some things will simplify itself (hope did not make some silly math mistake)

      return (l<=treshold);


      return (l<=treshold);

      As you can see we do not even need sqrt for this :)


    If you need spherical or ellipsoidal surface instead then you need to specify it closer which it is what are the semi axises. The line become arc/curve and need some corrections which depends on the shape of surface see

    but can be done also by approximation and may be also by binary search of point e see:

    The vector math used can be found here at the end:

    Here 3D C++ implementation (with different names):


    double distance_point_axis(double *p,double *p0,double *dp)
        int i;
        double l,d,q[3];
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) q[i]=p[i]-p0[i];                  // q = p-p0
        for (l=0.0,i=0;i<3;i++) l+=dp[i]*dp[i];             // l = |dp|^2
        for (d=0.0,i=0;i<3;i++) d+=q[i]*dp[i];              // d = dot(q,dp)
        if (l<1e-10) d=0.0; else d/=l;                      // d = dot(q,dp)/|dp|^2
        for (i=0;i<3;i++) q[i]-=dp[i]*d;                    // q=q-dp*dot(q,dp)/|dp|^2
        for (l=0.0,i=0;i<3;i++) l+=q[i]*q[i]; l=sqrt(l);    // l = |q|
        return l;

    Where p0[3] is any point on axis and dp[3] is direction vector of axis. The p[3] is the queried point you want the distance to axis for.