Serious trouble trying to get this working .. just starting NASM assembly so sorry if this is a noob of an issue, but any help is appreciated thankyou!
Trying to get the two variables to render equal so the jump after cmp works. This is frustrating me greatly, as the direct values ( if a mov eax and ebx to be "5" ) it works so is it an address problem? I'm not sure.
section .data
str_equal db "Equal!", 0xA
len_equal equ $ - str_equal
str_number_a db "5"
str_number_b db "5"
section .text
global _start
mov eax, [ str_number_a ]
mov ebx, [ str_number_b ]
cmp eax, ebx
je _Equal
jmp _Exit
mov eax, 4 ; syscall - write()
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, str_equal
mov edx, len_equal
int 0x80 ; Call dat Kernel
jmp _Exit
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 0x80
The problem is that you are filling 32-bit registers with 32-bits of data when attempting to move the single byte from the strings into registers:
mov eax, [ str_number_a ]
mov ebx, [ str_number_b ]
If we have a look at the memory, there could be anything beyond the first byte of the strings:
xx xx xx 35 1F 4A 59 xx xx xx
^ ^^^^^^^
'5' Garbage
As eax
and ebx
are 32-bit registers, they read in both the character '5' and the garbage following. What does this mean? The since the garbage memory beyond the character '5' in both strings are very likely to be different, the comparison between eax
and ebx
will always be non-equal.
This can be fixed by changing the 32-bit/4 byte comparison (cmp
) to an 8-bit/1 byte (or, single character) comparison:
cmp byte eax, ebx
This way, only the first byte of each register will be compared.
Alternatively, you could use 8-bit registers to store data:
mov al, [ str_number_a ]
mov ah, [ str_number_b ]
cmp al, ah