When I put a breakpoint on the page_load of the starting page, I receive the following message. "the breakpoint will not be hit. no symbols have been loaded for this document." I have seen this before and usually resolve this by cleaning the solution and running it again. This time, however, I am not able to find a solution. What is even stranger about this time is that if I put a breakpoint in global.asax such as Application_BeginRequest, the breakpoint does hit and I can debug, this happens for any page that I add breakpoints to.
If I go to menus\Debug\Windows\Modules I can see that the web app DLL was not built with debug information.
My issue turned out to be related to the AOP framework PostSharp. I uninstalled it and re-installed it and everything is now properly debugging. By the way I love PostSharp and I highly recommend it. However, I wanted to post my issue and resolution in case someone is experiencing the same issue and is currently using PostSharp.