Let's say we have three tables in a relational database:
Person {id, name}
Obstacle {id, name}
Person_overcomes_obstacle {person_id, obstacle_id}
I want to write a query that tells me if at least one person has overcome all obstacles. Ideas?
I notice that I was the only person to use the natural table alias for Person_overcomes_obstacle
You need a relational division query for this.
You can either count up the obstacles and the matching records in Person_overcomes_obstacle and return ones where the 2 numbers match or look at it another way as finding people for which there is no obstacle that they haven't overcome.
SELECT p.id, p.name /*Or use COUNT(*) or wrap in Exists
if you don't care about ids and names*/
FROM Person p
(SELECT * FROM Obstacle o
SELECT * FROM Person_overcomes_obstacle poo
WHERE poo.person_id = p.id and o.id = poo.obstacle_id