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Way to convert dbf to csv in python?

I have a folder with a bunch of dbf files I would like to convert to csv. I have tried using a code to just change the extension from .dbf to .csv, and these files open fine when I use Excel, but when I open them in pandas they look like this:

0                                                NaN
1            1       176 1.58400000000e+005-3.385...

This is not what I want, and those characters don't appear in the real file.
How should I read in the dbf file correctly?


  • Looking online, there's a few options:

    With simpledbf:

    dbf = Dbf5('fake_file_name.dbf')
    df = dbf.to_dataframe()

    Tweaked from the gist:

    import pysal as ps
    def dbf2DF(dbfile, upper=True):
        "Read dbf file and return pandas DataFrame"
        with as db:  # I suspect just using open will work too
            df = pd.DataFrame({col: db.by_col(col) for col in db.header})
            if upper == True: 
               df.columns = map(str.upper, db.header) 
            return df