Presently, I have setup a lot of tests including data access layer and business logic layer tests using Effort (see We have already been using Moq in our unit tests, and my boss would like to keep things simple, so he wants me to see if I can move the tests over from the Effort implementation to us only Moq and FakeDbSet (see, to make the code base simpler to maintain.
From what I understand, Effort basically mimics an entire SQL Server database in memory. So it seems like it would take a lot of code using Moq to set everything up so that a test can be run using only that. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Can it even be done without a huge amount of coding? Does anyone have any suggestions? TIA.
Ended up staying with Effort. Using FakeDbSet and Moq required a lot more setup and caused some LINQ queries to fail in the unit tests even though they work in a production situation.
It turns out that it was not a problem with FakeDbSet or Moq--there were problems in my LINQ query where it would fail if there were null string values.