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JMockit with Spring autowire not working

I'm using JMockit to test a class which is being autowired (spring). From this post, i could understand that i will have to manually inject the mock instance to the ClassToBeTested. Even if i do this, i'm running into NullPointerEx at line Deencapsulation.setField(classUnderTest, mockSomeInterface); since both classUnderTest and mockSomeInterface are null. However if i use @Autowire on mockSomeInterface, it's being auto wired properly.

Class To Be tested:

public class ClassToBeTested implements IClassToBeTested {

 ISomeInterface someInterface;

 public void callInterfaceMethod() {
  System.out.println( "calling interface method");
  String obj = someInterface.doSomething();

Test Case:

public class ClassToBeTestedTest  {

@Tested IClassToBeTested classUnderTest;

@Mocked ISomeInterface mockSomeInterface;

public void testCallInterfaceMethod(){
  Deencapsulation.setField(classUnderTest, mockSomeInterface);
  new Expectations() { {
     mockSomeInterface.doSomething(anyString,anyString); result="mock data";     
 // other logic goes here


  • Try the following, using a recent version of JMockit (note the linked question is from 2010, and the library has evolved a lot since then):

    public class ClassToBeTestedTest
        @Tested ClassToBeTested classUnderTest;
        @Injectable ISomeInterface mockSomeInterface;
        public void exampleTest() {
            new Expectations() {{
                mockSomeInterface.doSomething(anyString, anyString); result = "mock data";
            // call the classUnderTest