I am trying to create an Android app that will change the volume and brightness of the user's device at a time either set by the user, or hard coded into the app itself.
I have searched on StackOverflow, but the closest I have got to is setting the brightness only in the app. I want the app to set the brightness and volume permanently across the entire device until the set time passes. Any idea how I can do this?
You can find the methods that you are looking for on the android developer documentation.
Setting Volume: The AdjustVolume(int,int) method should be what you are looking for. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/AudioManager.html#adjustVolume(int,%20int)
Settings Brightness:
private void setBrightness(int brightness) {
try {
IHardwareService hardware = IHardwareService.Stub.asInterface(
if (hardware != null) {
} catch (RemoteException doe) {