I am using coffee script to generate my js and i am ok with generating it to dist folder from src folder. now trying to autoload those files using gulp-inject and following is my code.
gulp.task('inject', function () {
var target = gulp.src('./dist/index.html');
// It's not necessary to read the files (will speed up things), we're only after their paths:
var sources = gulp.src(['./scripts/**/*.js','./partials/**/*.js', './styles/**/*.css'], {read: false},{relative: false});
return target.pipe(plugins.inject(sources))
The resultant output is coming in dist/index.html
<!--inject:js--><script src="/dist/scripts/app.js"></script><script src="/dist/scripts/config.js"></script><script src="/dist/scripts/routes.js"></script><script src="/dist/partials/home/home.controller.js"></script><!--endinject-->
I want it to be like scripts/routes.js and scripts/config.js
As i use browser-sync, its pointing to dist folder which is the root folder. I tried on combinations but nothing fitted out. Point me through the right code.
You put { relative: false }
on gulp.src(). This option belongs in inject()
var sources = gulp.src(['./scripts/**/*.js', './partials/**/*.js', './styles/**/*.css'], { read: false });
return target.pipe(plugins.inject(sources, { relative: false }))
If relative doesn't do what you need see Clarifying injected paths for other options.