I'm looking for a better way to display multi-level hierarchical data in a tree where the meaning of each column changes depending on the level in the tree.
I am using QTreeView
and QAbstractItemModel
to display my model data.
Each model row has a different number of columns and different column names depending on its level in the hierarchy.
In order to give context to the data displayed in the tree, I need to have column headers for each level in the hierarchy.
The problem is that QTreeView
only has 1 set of column headers.
Current method
At the moment I'm changing the headers each time the selected row changes.
I do this by connecting to the tree view's selectionModel
, and emitting a signal with the new QModelIndex
each time the selection changes
void Window::slotOnSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection& new_selection, const QItemSelection& old_selection)
QItemSelectionModel* selection_model = _view->selectionModel();
QModelIndex index = selection_model->currentIndex();
if (index.isValid())
emit selectedIndexChanged(index);
In my model I connect to this signal, and when its fires, store the selected row, and force a column header update
void Model::slotOnSelectedIndexChanged(QModelIndex index)
_selected_row = modelRow(index);
emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, 0, _root->numColumns());
In the QAbstrateItemModel::headerData
callback I then use selected_row
to get the header for the currently selected row
QVariant Model::headerData(int i, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
switch (orientation)
case Qt::Horizontal:
return QVariant(_selected_row->header(i));
The result can be seen below - notice how the column headers change as the selected row changes.
It's not immediately obvious by just looking at the view what each datum is, and therefore the user is required to change rows in order to see what each column actually means.
What I'd like is to have some sort of embedded column header row, 1 per level in the hierarchy.
Something like this:
At the suggestion of @Kuba Ober I added an extra row at position 0 in each hierarchy of the tree. It has no children.
The model is then configured to special case for index.row() == 0
, knowing that this row is a header row rather than a data row.
eg: in Model::flags
the header row is not editable
Qt::ItemFlags Model::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const
Qt::ItemFlags item_flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
// header row is not editable
if (index.row() != 0)
item_flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
return item_flags;
I now return empty strings for headerData
as the headers are in the tree itself
QVariant Model::headerData(int i, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
switch (orientation)
case Qt::Horizontal:
return QVariant(); // no column header, it's already in the tree
I also change the background color for the header so it stands out
QVariant Model::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
switch (role)
case Qt::BackgroundColorRole:
if (index.row() == 0) // header row
return QColor(Qt::darkGray);
The result is almost exactly what I was looking for