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Parametric WebServices

I need to publish a webservice that take a variable number of parameters. My problem is that the caller can send only simple parameters (primitive datatype) not xml, array or lists.

So i would like to dynamically generate wsdl so that if the caller try to access my webservice eg http://myendpoint:myport/baseWsName_numberOfParameter?wsdl then a wsdl with a customizable number of parameters is served (and the caller can use that versione of WebService), the parameters can be all of type strings in my scenario

I would like to avoid to manually define a huge number of overload one for any reasonable number of parameters.


  • If I understand your question correctly and if the client can't pass array, while using a comma separated string is a good option you can use AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly and ServiceDescriptionReflector as used in Creating and exposing a SOAP service and its WSDL dynamically in C#