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How to send an http multipart POST request with a Blob in it?

I am using multipart XMLHttpRequest to upload files on a Google Drive account, using the syntax described in google's documentation:

Here is an simplified example of the request's body.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

*metadata Json object*

Content-Type: *datatype*


My problem is:

  • I'm using JavaScript
  • I have to send the data as a Blob
  • I can't use Google's JavaScript API
  • It must be compatible with Internet Explorer (at least 9).

As you can see, the request consists of 2 strings, with a blob right in between.
But, if I do a concatenation like "a-" + blob + "-b", I of course get the string "a-[object Blob]-b"

So, how can I send a request that contains my blob, and the metadata?

P.S.: I know that I can send the data alone, and then edit the metadata, but it takes two requests,
one too much...


  • I found the answer, I had to encode in Base 64 the content of my Blob:

    var reader = new FileReader
    var data = reader.result;
    //don't need type informations
    data = data.split(",").pop();

    and just after the "Content-Type" value in the second part of the request, I added this line:

    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'

    and now it works!

    and don't worry, in my code I used my FileReader in an asynchronous way, I just simplified here for brevity.