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Wait for view pager animations with espresso?

Trying to do some tests with a ViewPager.

I want to swipe between tabs, and I don't want to continue until the swipe is complete. But there doesn't appear to be a way to turn off the animation for the view pager (all animations under the developer options are disabled).

So this always results in a test failure, because the view pager hasn't completed it's animation, and so the view is not completely displayed yet:

// swipe left

// check to ensure that the next tab is completely visible.

Is there an elegant or maybe even recommended way to do this, or am I stuck putting some kind of timed wait in there?


  • The IdlingResource @Simas suggests is actually pretty simple to implement:

    public class ViewPagerIdlingResource implements IdlingResource {
        private final String mName;
        private boolean mIdle = true; // Default to idle since we can't query the scroll state.
        private ResourceCallback mResourceCallback;
        public ViewPagerIdlingResource(ViewPager viewPager, String name) {
            viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPagerListener());
            mName = name;
        public String getName() {
            return mName;
        public boolean isIdleNow() {
            return mIdle;
        public void registerIdleTransitionCallback(ResourceCallback resourceCallback) {
            mResourceCallback = resourceCallback;
        private class ViewPagerListener extends ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener {
            public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
                mIdle = (state == ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE
                        // Treat dragging as idle, or Espresso will block itself when swiping.
                        || state == ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING);
                if (mIdle && mResourceCallback != null) {