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How to use Class in Scala

I want to write some function that can return different Class objects according to the arguments.

For example, I have some classes that extends akka Actor, and I want to get their classes by passing different Int values. The code below is not correct, but I think you can understand what I mean:

def createActor(num: Int): Unit {
  val c: Class = o.getActorClass(num)
  system.actorOf(Props[c]) ! "hello"

object o {
  val m: Map[Int, Class] = Map(1->classOf[Actor1], 2->classOf[Actor2])
  def getActorClass(num: Int): Class {

Hope my question is understandable. Thank you!


  • I would create a generator method for creating a new mapping under a given actor system like so:

    def newMapping(sys: ActorSystem, mappings: (Int, Props)*) = {
      assert(sys != null)
      val m = mappings.toMap
      (i: Int) => sys.actorOf(m(i))

    Then you can create different mappings with different ActorSystems and ultimately get the effect you desire:

    val sys = ActorSystem("sys1")
    val myMapping = newMapping(sys, 1 -> Props[Class1], 2 -> Props[Class2])
    val actor1 = myMapping(1)
    val actor2 = myMapping(2)