I'm working on an android app that uses sugarORM. I want to get a multiple items that match the ids in a list.
However when i call
findWithQuery(A.class, "SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <column> in (?)", "1,2,3")
I always get an empty list(although I double checked the query with SQLite DB Browser and it worked).
Splitting this query into multiple findById seems inefficient. Any thoughts on getting WHERE IN to work using SugarORM?
After more attempts I found that there is a problem with replacing the placeholders.
Switching from:
findWithQuery(A.class, "SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <column> in (?)", "1,2,3")
findWithQuery(A.class, "SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <column> in (1,2,3)", null)
fixes the issue.