How can I add an <area>
inside of an <a>
tag inside of a image map <map>
and still have Firefox show the image map?
If im doing this:
<img usemap="#progress" src="" width="482" height="817"/>
<map name="progress">
<a href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="152,648,308,673" target="_self"/></a>
Firefox will ignore the whole <map>
, Chrome however will not.
Can I make it so that Friefox does not ignore it?
I'm using a plugin for Wordpress so that when a <a>
tag is used it will open that image as a pop-up instead of loading the image in the current window
Took me a awhile but I got it.
Thanks Gaurav Rai for the suggestion,
I had to call a script in the href in the area
element: href="javascript:getAnchor();"
then make a anchor <a>
tag with an id. mine was 20000Anchor
then make a script which gets the anchor id 20000Anchor
and activates it by click()
<img usemap="#progress" src="" width="482" height="817"/>
<map name="progress">
<area href="javascript:getAnchor();" shape="rect" coords="152,648,308,673" target="_self"/></a>
<a href="" id="20000Anchor"></a>
function getAnchor(){
The anchor <a>
element / Lightbox can now be used with the image map and will work with Chrome and Firefox