Using angularjs I have made two ajax json requests, the first request is retrieving channel's online / offline status and the second ajax json request is for the channel's info (logo, name, status etc).
I assigned the variable signal to '' which is the online / offline status for channels to share signal between json requests. In Google Developer console I am receiving a value of null. I did some research here and found that using a service might be a solution. I followed the directions but I'm still unable to get the scope between json request to recognize signal.
I read that rootscope could be used but it's not recommend, not sure how true that is because a novice using angular but I want start my angular journey by applying best practices.
Recap: Using Angular Ajax to make a jsonp request to twitch api, I am make two requests one to retrieve the online / offline status of channels in my streamers array, and the other ajax json request is to retrieve the channel's info, and I need the scope of the variable signal which has been assigned the value to be seen between ajax jsonp requests. Please let me know if this is a logical approach or if I'm "going around the world again".
Here is a plunker:
// creating a service for signal ?
app.factory('signal', function() {
var signal = {};
return signal;
// declaring my TwitchController and dependencies
app.controller('TwitchController', ['$scope', '$http', 'signal', function($scope, $http, signal) {
// streamers array with array of channels
var streamers = ["freecodecamp", "storbeck", "terakilobyte", "habathcx", "RobotCaleb", "thomasballinger", "noobs2ninjas", "beohoff", "medrybw"];
$scope.signal = signal;
var self = this;
//empty array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < streamers.length; i++) {
var url = "";
var streamUrl = "";
var callback = "/?callback=JSON_CALLBACK";
//json ajax request for channels online and offline status
$http.jsonp(streamUrl + streamers[i] + callback).success(function(data) {
//provides status of shows online and offline
signal =;
// json ajax request for channels and channel's info
$http.jsonp(url + streamers[i] + callback).success(function(data) {
// if channel does not have a logo image, this jpg will be the placeholder
// if statement test channel status (online or offline)
if (!signal) {
signal = "offline";
} else if (signal) {
signal = 'online';
// pushing retreive data from into array;
Your issue here is async call to $http. You need to use $http.then and chain the promises. You do not need a factory for this instance but it is best practice to have one that just returns your info object. I didn't know exactly the format you wanted so I created one. Here is the plunker:
var app = angular.module('Twitch', []);
// declaring my TwitchController and dependencies
app.controller('TwitchController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
// streamers array with array of channels
var streamers = ['freecodecamp', 'storbeck','terakilobyte', 'habathcx', 'RobotCaleb', 'thomasballinger', 'noobs2ninjas', 'beohoff', 'medrybw' ];
//empty array
$ = [];
var url = '';
var streamUrl = '';
var callback = '/?callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
angular.forEach(streamers, function(stream) {
//json ajax request for channels online and offline status
$http.jsonp(streamUrl + stream + callback).then(function (data) {
//provides status of shows online and offline
// json ajax request for channels and channel's info
$http.jsonp(url + stream + callback).then(function (channelData) {
// pushing retrieve data from into array
url: url + stream,
stream: stream,
status: ! ? 'offline' : 'online', // ternary statement test channel status (online or offline)
logo: ? : 'placeholderlogo.jpg' // if channel does not have a logo image, this jpg will be the placeholder