I am trying to delete a row I just added in a test (minitest) in its teardown
method & it fails with the message that the table doesn't have a primary key. Following is its migration:
Sequel.migration do
up do
create_table :hobbies_users do
Integer :user_id
Integer :hobby_id
unique [:user_id, :hobby_id]
down do
drop_table :hobbies_users
How can I do it? Is it bad practice not to have a primary key?
Test code, where I found the problem:
require_relative '../../test_helper.rb'
require 'api/models/users_hobbies'
class UsersHobbiesTest < Minitest::Test
def setup
@uh = UsersHobbies
.new(user_id: User.all.sample.id, hobby_id: Hobby.last.id * 10)
def test_accessors
assert_kind_of User, @uh.user
def teardown
For the time being you can define primary key in model:
self.primary_key = :some_column
But I find it necessary to have primary keys in every table, because lately I faced a situation, when I was having an association table without a primary key, and I needed to destroy the association by deleting the db entry, which was impossible due to absence of primary key (in my case it was MySQL).