My test code:
$connection = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("chaoge", $connection);
mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8", $connection);
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM babel_node WHERE nod_pid = 2101", $connection);
$nu = mysql_affected_rows();
echo $nu;
It says that mysql_affected_rows works with INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE and DELETE。
Why I can also get the right result through mysql_affected_rows
Any help and suggestions will be highly appreciable。
Here is what I found on the internet.
mysql_affected_rows() for a SELECT indicates the number of rows which were found. mysql_num_rows() indicates how many rows were actually returned. They may not be the same, IIRC, if you have a LIMIT clause or similar. GROUP BY may also cause a difference.
See answers on the source at the bottom.