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Sort a Table based on one column, then find the next row based on 2 other Columns

OK guys.. I'm a little stumped on this one..

I have a table of items in locations that I am consolidating. The items are spread between different rows (like a warehouse). I have calculated what to send where, and the distance between the starting and ending position.

Now, I need to develop a report that starts with the shortest move, then from its FINISH location finds the next shortest move with a START location closest to the first moves FINISH location... so if I move obj A from warehouse row 20 to row 30, I want my next line to be the next closest move, probably in row 30, that is also the shortest distance.

item | start_loc | end_loc | distance
A    | 5         | 10      | 5
B    | 14        | 11      | 3
C    | 20        | 1       | 19
D    | 10        | 13      | 3
E    | 10        | 5       | 5
F    | 10        | 6       | 4

So the table above would be ordered

D, B, F, A, E, C

Basically I want to optimize the amount of trips and spend the least amount of time empty handed..

Using ColdFusion and SQL to do this..

Edit from comments below: I'll try to clarify further.. The table above would be ordered D, B, F, A, E, C because: D has the shortest distance - 3; B is the next closes to D's end (13 --> 14); F because move B ends at 11, 10 is the next closest row with a move, and F has the shortest move distance in that row; A bc F ends at 6, and A starts at 5; E bc A ends at 10 and E starts on 10; C because it is the most inconvenient (longest, nothing ends by it) so it's last

UPDATE: I adapted the selected answer below to work with my tables etc.. however, it is skipping one of the rows, and I'm not sure why?

    <!-- Add some columns to the working table for calculations -->
<cfquery name="updateWorking" datasource="planning" dbtype="obdc">

    ALTER TABLE working
    ADD move_distance FLOAT;

    ALTER TABLE working
    ADD start_loc FLOAT;

    ALTER TABLE working
    ADD finish_loc FLOAT;

    ALTER TABLE working
    ADD move_order INT;

<cfquery name="updateWorking2" datasource="planning" dbtype="obdc">

    UPDATE working
    SET start_loc = LEFT(Storage_Bin, 5)
    WHERE marked_consolidate_loc IS NOT NULL;

    UPDATE working
    SET finish_loc = LEFT(marked_consolidate_loc, 5)
    WHERE marked_consolidate_loc IS NOT NULL;

    UPDATE working
    SET move_distance = finish_loc - start_loc
    WHERE marked_consolidate_loc IS NOT NULL;

    UPDATE working
    SET move_distance = ABS(move_distance)
    where move_distance < 0


<!-- Query to show all the moves in order by distance, shortest first -->
<cfquery name="report" datasource="planning" dbtype="obdc">
    SELECT  id, Material, marked_consolidate, marked_consolidate_loc, marked_consolidate_su,
            max_pallet, mixed_skid, Storage_Bin, Storage_Unit, move_distance, finish_loc, start_loc
    FROM working
    WHERE marked_consolidate IS NOT NULL
    AND mixed_skid = 0
    ORDER BY move_distance ASC
<!-- What is the shortest move? Do it first -->
<cfquery name="firstMove" datasource="planning" dbtype="obdc" maxRows="1">
    Select id, Material, marked_consolidate, marked_consolidate_loc, marked_consolidate_su,
            max_pallet, mixed_skid, Storage_Bin, Storage_Unit, move_distance, finish_loc, start_loc
    FROM working
    WHERE marked_consolidate IS NOT NULL
    AND mixed_skid = 0
    ORDER BY move_distance ASC, start_loc ASC

<!--- set the Move Number --->
<cfset moveNumber = 1>
<!-- List to remember ID of moves that have been completed -->
<cfset tripSequence = ''>

<!-- Update the first selection as the first move -->
<cfquery name= "updateMove" datasource="planning" dbtype="obdc">
    UPDATE working
    SET move_order = #moveNumber#
    WHERE id =;

<cfset moveNumber = moveNumber + 1>
<cfset tripSequence = ListAppend(tripSequence, "")>
<cfset lastMoveFinish = #firstMove.finish_loc#>

<!--- number of trips remaining --->
<cfset numberOfTrips = (report.recordCount) - 1>

<!-- Loop through the whole table -->
<cfloop from="1" to="#numberOfTrips#" index="i">
    <!--- determine next move to compare to --->
    <cfloop query="report">
        <!--- Has it been moved already?--->
        <cfif listContains(tripSequence,>
            <!-- If so, continue to next row -->
        <!-- If not, remember this one -->
        <cfset nextLocationID =>
        <cfset nextLocationFinishLoc = report.finish_loc>
        <cfset nextLocationDist = abs(lastMoveFinish - report.start_loc)>

    <!--- compare this move with other moves, if the next one is shorter remember it --->
    <cfloop query="report">
        <!--- Has it been moved already? --->
        <cfif listContains(tripSequence,>
        <!-- How far is this move from your current location? -->
        <cfset nextLocationDistance = abs(lastMoveFinish - report.start_loc)>
        <!-- If this move is closer to you than the one you selected above, remember it instead -->
        <cfif nextLocationDistance LT nextLocationDist>
            <cfset nextLocationID =>
            <cfset nextLocationFinishLoc = report.finish_loc>
            <cfset nextLocationDist = abs(lastMoveFinish - report.start_loc)>

    <!-- once you have the closest move, remember it and update the column -->
    <cfset tripSequence = ListAppend(tripSequence, nextLocationID)>
    <!-- Update the move column -->
    <cfquery name= "updateMove" datasource="planning" dbtype="obdc">
        UPDATE working
        SET move_order = #moveNumber#
        WHERE id = #nextLocationID#;
    <!-- Increment the Move Number -->
    <cfset moveNumber = moveNumber + 1>

    <!--- set the ending of your last move --->
    <cfset lastMoveFinish = nextLocationFinishLoc>

    <!-- Build the report -->
    <table border='1'>
            <th colspan="7">
                <h2>Consolidation Report</h2>
            <td>Move Order</td>
            <td>Current Loc</td>
            <td>Current SU</td>
            <td>Item Number</td>
            <td>Qty To Move</td>
            <td>Moved To Loc</td>
            <td>Moved To SU</td>

        <!-- Query to show all the moves in order by distance, shortest first -->
        <cfquery name="showReport" datasource="planning" dbtype="obdc">
                SELECT Material, marked_consolidate, marked_consolidate_loc, marked_consolidate_su,
                        Storage_Bin, Storage_Unit, move_order
                FROM working
                WHERE marked_consolidate IS NOT NULL
                AND mixed_skid = 0
                ORDER BY move_order

        <cfloop query="showReport">

The output is a table with 49 rows.. however one of the rows Move Number is empty, and it skips Move Number: 48. Thoughts?

All rows are logically correct, it's just skipping 48 and not putting the Null row where it should be (logically would be around move 30).


  • Tackling the TSP, eh? That's my solution for you and unless you run thousands of nodes, it should be fine performance wise.

    <cfset data = queryNew(
            [ "A", 5, 10, 5 ],
            [ "B", 14, 11, 3 ],
            [ "C", 20, 1, 19 ],
            [ "D", 10, 13, 3 ],
            [ "E", 10, 5, 5 ],
            [ "F", 10, 6, 4 ]
    <cfset tripSequence = []>
    <!--- BEGIN: determine first item --->
        <cfquery name="closestLocation" dbType="query" maxRows="1">
            ORDER BY
                [distance] ASC,
                [start_loc] ASC
        <!--- add item --->
        <cfset tripSequence.add(closestLocation.item)>
    <!--- END: determine first item --->
    <!--- number of trips remaining --->
    <cfset numberOfTrips = (data.recordCount - 1)>
    <cfloop from="1" to="#numberOfTrips#" index="i">
        <!--- BEGIN: determine next trip to compare to --->
            <cfloop query="data">
                <!--- must not have been done already --->
                <cfif arrayFind(tripSequence, data.item)>
                <cfset nextLocation = {
                    item:       data.item,
                    end_loc:    data.end_loc,
                    distance:   abs(closestLocation.end_loc - data.start_loc)
        <!--- END: determine next trip to compare to --->
        <!--- BEGIN: compare with remaining trips --->
            <cfloop query="data">
                <!--- must not have been done already --->
                <cfif arrayFind(tripSequence, data.item)>
                <cfset nextLocationDistance = abs(closestLocation.end_loc - data.start_loc)>
                <cfif nextLocationDistance lt nextLocation.distance>
                    <cfset nextLocation = {
                        item:       data.item,
                        end_loc:    data.end_loc,
                        distance:   nextLocationDistance
        <!--- END: compare with remaining trips --->
        <!--- add item --->
        <cfset tripSequence.add(nextLocation.item)>
        <!--- take item as base for the next iteration --->
        <cfset closestLocation = nextLocation>
    <cfoutput>#arrayToList(tripSequence, ", ")#</cfoutput>