I come from a python background and am trying to get up to speed with R, so please bear with me
I have an R file - util.R
with the following lines:
util.add <- function(a,b) a + b
util.sub <- function(a,b) { a - b }
I source it as follows:
I now have two function objects and want to write a function as follows:
that would give me this result
[1] "path/util.R"
Digging into the srcref
attribute of one of the loaded functions appears to work, if you go deep enough ...
## function (a, b)
## - attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 1 13 1 31 13 31 1 1
## .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x8fffb18>
srcfile <- attr(attr(util.add,"srcref"),"srcfile")
## [1] "Enc" "filename" "fixedNewlines" "isFile"
## [5] "lines" "parseData" "timestamp" "wd"
## [1] "tmp/tmpsrc.R"
Comments note that this only works out-of-the-box for interactive code, because ...
Rscript does not load srcrefs by default. A work-around is this code snippet:
Rscript -e "options(keep.source = TRUE); source('your_main_file.R')"
or set the optionkeep.source
permanently in the.Rprofile
file (see?Startup
for details)