I am making custom NSScrollers for use in NSScrollView. But when any of the superviews of the NSScroller gets Core Animation enabled. I get this drawing issue that's a huge nuisance. Whenever i scroll into the corners of the scroll view the scrollers clip. But if a scroller starts out drawing in the corner, the scroller part stays in that corner. What could be causing this problem? I have too much code to show on here. But here is my drawing code:
NSRect knobRect = [self rectForPart:NSScrollerKnob];
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:knobRect
[path setLineWidth:2];
[[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.114 green:0.114 blue:0.114 alpha:0.3] set];
[path fill];
[[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:1.0
alpha:0.100] set];
// Clip drawing to this path; draw nothing outwith the path.
[path addClip];
[path stroke];
I already tried to get rid of everything except the fill but it didnt work. This issue goes away if I call setNeedsDisplay:YES on the super view when setFloatValue is called.
Clipping Issue http://idkz.org/b814ee5c875c9f44cc2d1345e4489420
it seems that the answer to the problem seems to be to call:
[self setArrowsPosition:NSScrollerArrowsNone];
And it magically works :D
Edit, but I get a similar effect when I drag the scrollbar. :'( Is there anyway to clear the graphics without redrawing the scrollview itself? :(